At public events, I love to talk to everyone I can. If you see me at a trade show, please stop by and say hello! The reason being is you never know who you’re going to meet, or what you’re going to learn. Which is why when I attended the Rochester Urban Ag Conference this past year, I was expecting to learn and meet passionate, like minded growers. What I did not expect was to be inspired to create beauty with nature.
I can remember the conversation vividly. Michael Tomb, an Upstate NY native, long time gardener, passionate photographer, and Rochester horticulture history buff, came up to the table to talk about his families close connections to buying seed, from Harris Seeds, since the 1950’s. He reminisced over the pole beans, and tomatoes his family grew up eating that they sourced from Harris. It is always joy to hear about historical connections to the Harris Seeds legacy.
After a stroll down memory lane, Michael showed me some of his work. It was truly inspiring. What started as a hobby has now turned into his business. Michael is a self-made photographer, and gifted artist that doesn’t work with normal materials to create masterpieces. He uses plants to bring out beautiful displays of what he calls “Celestial Vegetables.” After he showed me some of his work, I knew that I wanted to partner with this passionate and talented gardener. That is when I planted the seed to collaborate on a catalog cover. He was over joyed. Over the next few months, we got to learn and grow our plan to create one of the most beautiful catalog covers ever printed.
When the day came, the plan was simple. Collect as much produce, flowers, and plant material as possible, and let the creativity flow. I sourced produce from local growers in the Rochester area of varieties that Michael had on his wish list. I got most of his wish list, and so much more. I brought so much produce that he couldn’t contain his excitement and immediately started working on the art. What came after was magic. He created 3 of the most beautiful displays of vegetables, flowers, and herbs I have ever seen. Next came the hardest part; selecting the cover!
We held a vote, and the winner was selected. The catalog cover that won was the first of his creations over the two day span. “Glass Gem Star” was the name of this vibrant art piece. The other two created are called “Zinnia Star of Okra” and “Fennel Flower Sun.”
It was an honor to work with someone as talented and passionate about his craft as Michael is. The prints are available in various sizes on his website for purchase, including other art pieces Michael has created over the years. Check them out at
We hope you like this year’s catalog, and hope it also inspires you to see the beauty in nature and possibly create your own art from materials you grow on your garden or farm.