Harvesting Supplies

Before and during harvest, it is smart to make sure your harvesting equipment is in good shape and that allcutting/harvesting tools are clean and sharp. Sharp cutting edges will increase your ease of harvest and put less stress on both the living plant and harvested crop. It is also important to clean harvesting equipment frequently to prevent diseases from spreading between fields or plants.

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Harvesting Supplies

High-Quality Harvesting Supplies For Sale

Harris Seeds' line of top quality harvest knives includes many blade shapes and sizes, allowing you to select the right tool for each job on your farm. For example, our curved Broccoli Knife and angled Lettuce Knife both offer over 7 of cutting surface and allow you to harvest with either the front or side blades. Our 8 Field Knife, made of high quality stainless steel, will become your go-to multipurpose knife. Use it for harvesting thick-stemmed crops, splitting perennials, and tackling all manner of jobs around the farm and greenhouse. Choose a yellow or orange handle for easy visibility in the field.For jobs that require precision in tight spaces, try our 3 Grape Knife. Its short, curved blade allows you harvest summer squash, melons, peppers, and more without sticking or cutting the plant. Finally, our self-folding Sampling Knife makes it easy to test crops in the field. The 4.75 blade is longer than most pocketknife blades and slices smoothly into melons, tomatoes, peppers, squashes, and fruits.After harvesting your crops, collect them in one of our harvest bags. These bags keep both hands free for harvesting, and they feature padded interiors to prevent crops from being bruised or scratched. Keep yourself protected too, by using harvesting sleeves to shield your arms from thorny or prickly crops like raspberries and squash. Alternatively, harvest crops like onions, sweet corn, or potatoes into market-ready mesh produce bags. Choose plain mesh bags in one of three sizes or pre-printed sweet corn bags in dozen and half dozen sizes.If you grow cut flowers, you'll want to check out Harris Seeds' selection of cut flower harvest and merchandising supplies. Find cut flower sleeves, display stands, cut flower food, and more to help you raise, harvest, and display gorgeous blooms that will turn heads and generate sales. As your crops mature, check out our full line of harvesting and post harvesting supplies so that you can bring your farm's best to market.