Quick Growing Vegetables

Fall is a great time of year to grow cold crops! Cold crops are a group of plants that can tolerate low temperatures and even a slight frost. The vegetables that tend to be the most resilient (also known as hardy) to inclement weather include lettuce, kale, beets, spinach and radish.

For those in warmer, southern areas of the country, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and carrots can still be planted at that time.

New to growing cold crops? We recommend you start with lettuce! Lettuce can be directly sown into amended soil in the ground or in a container and can typically survive a wide range of temperatures, as long as it receives adequate sunlight and water. It is fast to grow and simple to harvest, just take a pair of pruners or kitchen scissors and cut at the base of the plant.

Give your cold crops some extra defense from the elements this winter with the use of row covers. Hassle-free to set up and easy to use, floating row covers are placed over plants to protect them from frost, wind, and insects. Floating row covers come in different weight fiber depending how much frost protection you need based on where you are growing.

Quick Growing Vegetables