Business Support
Tax exemption
Are you a business that's tax exempt?
How it works
Sales tax is charged on all orders shipping to a state where we have sales tax nexus. As of 7/1/2023, this includes all states with the exception of:
- Alaska
- Delaware
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- New Mexico
- Oregon
Sales tax will be charged on all purchases within those states unless we have your resale or tax-exempt certificate on file. If you are tax exempt, please include your resale or tax-exempt certificate with your initial order.
Find your state’s tax exemption form
Please acquire the correct tax exemption form(s).
Submit offline
Mail your tax exempt form to Harris Seeds via physical mail or fax.
Mailing Address
Harris Seeds
Attention: Credit Department
355 Paul Rd
P.O. Box 24966
Rochester, NY 14624