Heat Mats and Cables For Seedlings

A reliable heat mat (also known as a propagation mat) provides the best soil temperature conditions for seedling and plant growth. Whether you are growing in a greenhouse, high tunnel, or under grow lights, the air temperature is typically higher than the soil temperature.

Heat Mats and Cables For Seedlings

A reliable heat mat (also known as a propagation mat) provides the best soil temperature conditions for seedling and plant growth. Whether you are growing in a greenhouse, high tunnel, or under grow lights, the air temperature is typically higher than the soil temperature. Start successful seed growing conditions by creating an area with your seed trays, propagation mat, heat cables, and thermostat to monitor both the air and soil temperatures.

Make sure your growing season gets off on the right foot by providing your seeds with the ideal conditions for germination. Improper soil temperature is the number one reason that many growers experience low germination on their seed. Just a few degrees can mean the difference between getting 90% germination and 60% germination.

What Soil Temperature Do Seeds Require?

In general, most flower and vegetable seeds require soil temperatures in the 70-75°F range to germinate. While some people think that their germination area or greenhouse is warm enough to start seed, they fail to realize that soil temperature tends to run approximately 5°F lower than air temperature due to evaporation at the soil's surface. Also for most seeds, soil temperatures should be kept constant and vary little over the germination period. Having varied day and night time temperatures in your germination area can also reduce or slow germination. To achieve proper, soil temperatures, additional controlled bottom heat is needed. To accomplish this, a germination area should include heat mats, heat cables, or another method of applying bottom heat. For those looking to get a head start, we offer our Precise Heat mats with a built-in thermostat and our Super Sprouter Combo. These allow you to dial in your soil temperatures for optimal germination. For growers looking at starting many trays of seedlings our Agritape Heat Mats and Thermostats will provide uniform heating and years of use. Agritape Mats come in 11, 22, and 44 widths and many lengths to fit your needs. For those looking for a heavier, thicker mat that can stand up to more harsh conditions, the Pro Grow heat mats are a thick rubberized mat designed to stand up against abrasion, chemicals, and UV damage.