Plugs & Liners
Raker-Roberta's Program
Raker-Roberta’s produces an extensive selection of annuals and perennials including new and top varieties, featuring the world’s best genetics from Syngenta, Sakata, Selecta, Plant Haven, Dummen Orange and more. Both seed grown plug and cutting-grown liner (vegetative) varieties available.
Annuals, Perennials, Vegetables & Herbs
Offering 3000+ seed and vegetative varieties, Raker Roberta’s is the largest provider of plug and liners for Harris Seeds and our customers. With a low minimum order requirement and plants grown specifically to order, Raker is a great option for small growers and large growers alike. [Offering new and popular annuals such as Dragon Wing Begonia, Calibrachoa MiniFamous, Geranium Calliope, Lantana, New Guinea Impatiens, Headliner Petunias, Verbena Lanai and bundled combos].
Raker rounds out their spring program with an extensive offering of perennials, cut flowers, grasses and vegetables. Harris Seeds partners with Raker each season to offer an exclusive 51-Strip vegetable program that can be ordered on the Harris website.
Mums & Asters
Extend the sales season with fall colors from Chrysanthemums and fall companion plants. Go beyond single color with Raker exclusive multi-liner combos. Offered in three tray sizes to provide options for large and small growers alike; non-combo trays can be ordered either pinched or unpinched. Order before Feb 15th for an 11% Early Order Discount!
Specialty cut flowers
After two years of trialing, Raker Roberta’s has launched a new Specialty Cut Flower program featuring over 100 cut flower young plants. Plants are available to ship even weeks 14-30 with an early order discount of 11% for orders placed before Dec. 15th. *Cut Flowers must be placed as a separate order.
Raker Roberta’s offers a Selection of custom grown Dummen and Selecta poinsettia genetics offered in a 25-strip tray. Available Ship Weeks 28 through 37. Order before May 1st for an 11% Early Order Discount.
Know the basics
- Raker has a 4x tray minimum to avoid a $30 Below Minimum Fee
- Once an order has been sown, the order cannot be cancelled.
- Raker’ boxing is custom and factored by-the-tray for more affordable shipping rates on smaller and spot orders.
- Raker offers the largest EOD (for orders placed before Nov. 1) at 10% + Harris 1% = 11%
Know the unique requirements
Raker Roberta grows plants specifically to order. As a result,
it is important to review lead time (grow time) on the Raker/Harris Price List.
For Availability (at-once) orders, review live inventory prior to submitting your order.
Raker only posts excess inventory online for the next few closest ship weeks.
At-once orders can ship same week if the balance has been settled by Tuesday at 5PM.
Additional resources just for you
Order Resources:
View Product Availability >
Visit Raker-Roberta’s Website >
Raker-Roberta's Spring Program Digital Catalog >
Raker-Roberta's Mum/Aster Digital Catalog >
Raker-Roberta’s Poinsettia Program >
Additional Resources:
Cut Flower Offering >
Production Lead Time Guide >
DummenOrange Poinsettia Listing >
DummenOrange Poinsettia Catalog >
DummenOrange Cut Flower Poinsettia Guide >
DummenOrange Micro Poinsettia Guide >
DummenOrange Poinsettia Tree Guide >
Selecta Poinsettia Catalog (includes culture) >
Selecta Poinsettia Product Website >
Selecta Poinsettia Culture Webinars >