Plugs & Liners

Mast Young Plants' Program

Mast Young Plants produces a complete selection of cutting-grown (vegetative) plants from leading breeders around the globe including Dummen Orange, Selecta, Syngenta, Danziger, Westhoff, and more. 

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Why choose our Mast Young Plants' program?


Features 1300+ varieties from over 20 of the world’s finest breeders.


Summer/Fall and Succulent programs offer extended and year round sales.


Prefinished Offering: Choose from select 4” pots and 10” hanging baskets and Quick Blocks.


Offers Master boxes (palletized) and half-boxes to save money on freight!

Annuals, Perennials, Herbs & Succulents

MYP is Making You Priority every step of the way. How they do it is simple: their talented staff is devoted to being mindful of the best possible growing and production, research, trialing, and shipping methods so that you receive superior quality plant material to grow and sustain your business.

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Mums & Asters

Mast Young Plants’ summer/fall program features a broad assortment of the latest genetics and innovative plants along with customer favorites. Mast Young Plants combines mum and aster varieties from multiple suppliers, along with two different tray sizes, to give you the best possible choices. The program includes Asters, Celosia, Helianthus, Mums, Ornamental Grasses, Petchoa, and more! Mast Young fall companion plants offer popular accents for building better combos.

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Quick Start: is designed to make growing long-term crops such as cordyline, Diplandenia, begonias, fuschia, and several geranium varieties easier and more profitable for growers. It joins Quick Blocks, another Mast Young Plants program that helps growers turn combos faster, in providing innovative solutions for growers. MYP starts the Quick Start varieties in their warm greenhouses so you can keep the heat turned off in your greenhouses a bit longer. Let Mast Young begin the Quick Starts and you get to receive a plant with established growth!

Quick Blocks: is an innovative product line Mast Young Plants produces that helps growers turn combos even faster! These triple-stuck large (4″x6″) Quick Blocks contain a Kwik Kombo™ Mix of three 4-5 week old 25mm liners that have been pinched and also sprayed with a B-Nine®/Florel® application. Once they’re stuck, we grow them for another 4 weeks and we pinch and spray them again. The result? Growers receive Quick Blocks liners ready to branch out and quickly fill containers after transplanting.

By way of comparison, growers who would plant 3 individual liners into a hanging basket in week 17 could expect a finishing time of 6-8 weeks, with the hanging basket retail ready at or near week 24. The same grower could instead transplant a Quick Block into a hanging basket in week 17, and with a 4 week finish time, have that basket ready for sale at retail by week 21, freeing up critical greenhouse space for additional product during peak retail sales weeks.

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Cut Flowers

New for 2024: An offering of vegetative cut flower varieties selected to bring a pop of excitement to cut flower gardens! Many cut flower varieties are from seed, but we’ve chosen nearly all vegetative varieties sure to give your cut flower offering some pizzaz. Chosen for their performance, reliability, and profitability, these can be mixed in your cut flower garden with traditional seeded items to give you a collection of outstanding options for you to choose. See pg. 128-129  in the Mast Young catalog for additional information.

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Know the basics

  • Mast Young Plants has a 4x tray minimum to avoid a $30 Below Minimum Fee
  • It is suggested to fill your box to maximize shipping cost and minimize damage.
  • Boxing information and shipping estimates can be found on the front page of the MYP Price List.
  • Place your order before October 31st for 2.5% Early Order Discount (EOD).
  • Once an order has been sown, the order cannot be cancelled.

Know the unique requirements

Please review live inventory before submitting an order.

Pleasant View posts their current inventory for the season via their ePicas site.

Mast Young Holiday Shipments: No orders will be shipped the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Customer Pick-up is available during these weeks by request.

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