
Fungicide, as many growers know, prevent plant disease from damaging your farm's crops and yields. Early blight, late blight, powdery mildew, leaf spot, rust, and fusarium are just a few of the common diseases you may find on your fruit, flowers and vegetables during the growing season.


A good fungicide spray routine, every 7-14 days, is effective in helping to reduce disease. Start your spray routine for blights and mildews before you see signs of disease to prevent it from taking hold and spreading quickly. Also be sure to reapply fungicide sprays after periods of heavy rain. Water the plants at the base or better yet, install an watering irrigation system so the fungal spores don't grow or spread from plant to plant on water droplets.

Harris Seeds offers fungicides to keep your crops disease-free, and many of them are natural and OMRI listed for use in organic growing. For late blight in tomatoes, we recommend one of our copper based fungicides.