Tomato Donna Red F1 Seed
SKU: 13438RAWUTR-100SD
You save 58%

Tomato Donna Red F1 Seed
SKU: 13438RAWUTR-100SD
You save 58%
What's On Sale
Save 58% on
- RAW / 100 seeds / UNTREATED
Save 33% on
- RAW / 1 000 seeds / UNTREATED
A true hanging basket
variety with a trailing habit of around 18” spread. Plants are well suited to
8-10” containers and pinching above the first three leaves will encourage
branching and greater yields. The bright red fruit measure 1-1¼” in diameter, weigh
0.6 oz. and are very sweet with 8% Brix. Intermediate resistance to Al and EB.