Lettuce Danyelle Seed

0 Reviews
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed
Lettuce Danyelle Seed

Lettuce Danyelle Seed

0 Reviews
form: RAW
size: 1/2 oz.

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If you've been growing Red Salad Bowl then Danyelle needs to be in your planting plans. Improved uniformity and a deeper red color make Danyelle far superior to Red Salad Bowl. Its deeply-lobed, oak-like leaves form a full rosette and stay tender and sweet without turning bitter. Danyelle has shown excellent holding ability and rates high on our list of red leaf varieties. Not mosaic tested.
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