Cucumber Paraiso F1 Organic Seed

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Cucumber Paraiso F1 Organic Seed
Cucumber Paraiso F1 Organic Seed
Cucumber Paraiso F1 Organic Seed

Cucumber Paraiso F1 Organic Seed

0 Reviews
form: RAW
style: ORGANIC
size: 50 seeds

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This classy slicing cucumber was a standout in our trials for both its plant vigor and fruit type. Paraiso's vines were dark green and vigorous, even where water stress and disease pressure challenged other varieties. The dark green, 8-9" fruit are uniformly straight and slender, for a refined appearance at market. Our taste testers loved its sweet, non-bitter, crunchy flesh. Widely adapted for field or tunnel culture, Paraiso carries a disease package that includes intermediate resistance to Powdery Mildew and Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
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