Garlic Elephant

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Garlic Elephant
Garlic Elephant
Garlic Elephant
Garlic Elephant

Garlic Elephant

form: BULB
style: NA
size: 4 each

This product cannot ship to certain destinations. See Restrictions & Requirements details below.

This product has a seasonal availability period. See Availability & Shipping details below.

Product ships as individual cloves. This large garlic is excellent for roasting, cooking and is very healthy! Elephant garlic is not a true garlic, but actually a variant of the garden leek species. It has a tall, solid, flowering stalk, and broad, flat leaves (much like those of the leek), but forms a bulb consisting of very large cloves. Each bulb is approximately 5 to 6" across and can weigh over a pound. A single clove of elephant garlic can be as large as a whole bulb of ordinary garlic. The flavor is milder than garlic and much more palatable to some people. When cooking with elephant garlic, remember that it is not a substitute for ordinary garlic. Instead it is used where a subtle hint of garlic is wanted without overpowering the rest of the food. Elephant garlic is often served raw in salads or sliced and sautéed in butter (be careful, it browns very quickly and can turn bitter). Hardiness zones 5-8.

View Garlic Planting Guide

Elephant Garlic comes in pre-cracked cloves. Each = Number of Garlic Cloves

Garlic will ship on the first available ship date, September through October while supplies last.
For later ship dates, specify your request at checkout.
For earlier ship dates, please call us toll-free at 800.544.7938.

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