Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed

Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed
Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed
Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed
Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed
Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed
Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed

Lettuce Super Jericho MTO Seed

form: RAW
style: ORGANIC
size: 50 seeds

This product is on backorder. See Availability & Shipping section below for an ETA.

Super Jericho was developed to endure the heat of summer in arid regions of the world. It performs extremely well during the heat of the summer here in the US while retaining the sweet, crisp texture that it’s known for. It has also performed well in cool season plantings. Super Jericho produces sturdy, robust plants with large, light green leaves that are succulent, sweet and crisp. Resistant to tipburn and lettuce mosaic virus.