Lettuce Rhone MTO Organic Seed

SKU: 13146PLTORG-250SD
Lettuce Rhone MTO Organic Seed
Lettuce Rhone MTO Organic Seed
Lettuce Rhone MTO Organic Seed

Lettuce Rhone MTO Organic Seed

SKU: 13146PLTORG-250SD
style: ORGANIC
size: 250 seeds

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  • RAW / 250 seeds / ORGANIC

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  • RAW / 1 000 seeds / ORGANIC

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  • RAW / 10 000 seeds / ORGANIC
A strongly incised red tango lettuce with a crunchy texture and narrow leaf attachments. Rhone has an attractive red and green color contrast and excellent multi-cut quality. Plants offer strong disease resistance, bolt tolerance, and tipburn tolerance.