Seeded Watermelon Seeds

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Seeded Watermelon Seeds

Required Signed Watermelon Waiver

A completed watermelon waiver is required before your order can ship!

Due to the potential liability of Watermelon Fruit Blotch (WFB), Gummy Stem Blight (GSB), Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV) and Anthracnose diseases with watermelon seed, we require a watermelon waiver form be signed and returned for all purchases of 1/4 lb. or 500 seeds or more of seeded varieties and for all purchases of seedless varieties and seedless pollinators.

A new disclaimer must be signed each year. Signed disclaimers from previous years are not valid for the current sales year.

No orders for watermelon seed will be accepted that originate from or ship to the state of South Carolina.

If you do not send in the release with your order, the form will be mailed to you. If we do not receive the completed and signed release within 30 days, your order will be canceled from our system.

Download Harris Seeds' Watermelon Waiver

Return your form: E-mail, FAX (877) 892-9197, or Mail (Harris Seeds, PO Box 24966, Rochester, NY 14624)