Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed

0 Reviews
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed
Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed

Zinnia Queeny Lime Orange Seed

0 Reviews
form: RAW
size: 50 seeds

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AAS Winner
This "wow" series brings you stunning blooms in "antique" shades that stand out. Bloom Size: 2-4" Bloom Type: Double to semi-double.

Color: Dark coral to light peach with a bright rose center.

Zinnias are a perfect choice for border plants, large landscapes and a favorite of many cut flower growers. Whether they are used in gardens or in the field, you can expect blooms right up to frost. Deadheading or pinching the central bloom before opening expedites secondary blooms.
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